Infant Baptism:
Call the Parish Office where are you are a registered parishioner. A Pre-Baptism Class is required for first time parents or those who have never taken the class. Please Deacon Greg Jelinek at 412-231-6949. After attending the class, the Baptism can be scheduled. A sponsor certificate/letter for each Godparent must be submitted to the parish office prior to the Baptism. Baptisms are normally celebrated on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
For adults, the usual way to become a member of the Catholic Church is through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA). The RCIA is a gradual process of education and formation. Whether unbaptized or baptized in another Christian denomination, the RCIA program helps adults to grow in their relationship with God. The process takes you through various phases of discerning your call to become a Catholic and the living of that faith. Sessions generally begin in the fall and conclude with the Easter Vigil. The first step of the journey is to call the parish office at 412-821-3438. You will be given more information and the RCIA program and the opportunity to meet, should you desire.
Saturdays 4:00 - 4:45 p.m. and Wednesdays 8:30 - 9:00 a.m.
Couples wishing to marry must meet with one of the priests in our parish grouping at least six (6) months prior to the anticipated wedding date. No date can be confirmed until the couple meets with the priest. Couples are encouraged to call the parish office and request a wedding packet which will include all the information to help plan your sacramental wedding at St. Nicholas Church.
Anointing of the Sick / Communion Calls:
Offered to any parishioner at anytime - as long as the priest is available. You are encouraged to see the priest after Mass, but visits to hospitals and homes can also be made by calling the Parish Office. If you know you are going to the Hospital in the near future, for surgery or other procedures, that is an especially good time to see the Pastor after Mass for the celebration of the sacrament.
Are you an adult (over 18) and somehow missed being confirmed? Please call Mary Ann Dank at 412-320-1253.