When visiting, please know (or remember) that the chapel is not a museum – it is a sacred place and an active worship site. As such, we humbly ask that you respect the belief that we, as Catholics, hold most dear: that Our Lord Jesus Christ is truly present in the most Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist.
We kindly ask that all pilgrims:
Observe silence while in the chapel
Be aware of the presence of the tabernacle in the chapel's sanctuary; as such –
If the red sanctuary candle is illuminated, Our Lord Jesus Christ, under the species of the Eucharist (bread), is present in the tabernacle – and, again, more importantly – present with us
Always genuflect (reverently kneel) when passing in front of the tabernacle
Dress in a manner that is modest and conservative
Refrain from taking pictures of the chapel's interior; photographs and postcards are available in the Chapel Shop
Turn off or silence cell phones and pagers
Additionally, please be mindful of, and respectfully heed to, any special events or circumstances that may be out of the ordinary.