applicasse et Lanceae Domini cuspidi - touched to the Holy Spear
applicasse et SudarriVeronicae - touched to the Veil of Veronica
applicasse et vivicaeCrucise - Touched to the True Cross
arcamortuaria - mortuary box, container
arca sepulerali- coffin
Beatae Mariae Virginis, B.V.M. - Blessed Virgin Mary
breviario - breviary
coronse spinse D.N.J.C.- crown of thorns of Our Lord Jesus Christ
[cravio] corporis - body
de velo - from the veil
Domini Nostri Jesu Christi, D.N.J.C.- Our Lord Jesus Christ
ex domo - from the house
ex bacula - from the staff
ex bireto - from the biretta
ex calce sepulchri- from the cement of the tomb
ex capillis - from the hair
ex capsa - coffin, also see capsa funeralis
ex carne - from the flesh
ex cineribus- from the ashes. Same as ex exuviis
ex coronae spinae - from the crown of thorns
ex crinibus- from the hair
ex crucis - from the cross
ex cute - from the skin
ex exuviis - from the ashes or dust of the body remaining after decomposition.
ex Funi. Flag.- from the flagellation ropes
ex Inncunabuli - from the swaddling clothes
ex indumentis- from the clothing. Sometimes refers to pieces of cloth that have touched a first- or second-class relic.
ex lanceae - from the lance
ex ligneo pulvere, mixto pulveri corporis, quem residuum continebat prima capsa funeralis - from the remains of the wood, mixed with the dust of the body, the residue of which was contained in the first box [or sarcophagus]
ex lignum crucis - from the wood of the cross
ex linteo attacto ossibus - from the cloth that touched the bones (third class relic)
ex loco Annunciationis Beatae Mariae Virginis - from the site of the annunication of the Blessed Virgin Mary
ex ossibus- from the bones
ex pallio - from the cloak
ex panno a stigmatibus cruentato - from the bandage that covered the stigmatic wound
ex pelle - from the skin
ex pluviali- from the cope [cloak wore for Benediction]
ex praecordis - from the stomach or intestines
ex praesepis- birthplace of D.N.J.C.
de pulvere corporis - from the dust of the body following decomposition
ex pulvinari lapideo - from the stone pillow
ex purpurae - from the purple robe
ex sanguine - from the blood
ex scal.Pilati- from Pilate's staircase
ex sepulerali- coffin
ex spongia- from the sponge
ex sportula - from the little
ex stipite affixionis - probably means "from the whipping post"
ex strato - from the covering [blanket]
ex subucula - from the tunic
ex tegumentis - from the skin
ex tela serica quae tetigit cor - from the silk cloth which touched the heart
ex Titulus Crucis - from the title board of the cross
ex tunica - from the tunic
ex velo - of the veil
ex veste carne imbuta - from the vestment imbued with the flesh
ex mensae coenae D.N.J.C. - the room where the Last Supper took place
ex sindone D.N.J.C. - from the burial shourd of Our Lord Jesus Christ
ex sudarii - from the sudarium or face cloth
Following the name of the saint or blessed is an initial or abbreviation that speaks to the saint's or blessed's state in life.